Sudoscan test for the prevention of diabetic neuropathy

Diabetic? The Ginkgo Pharmacy is a hosting and information point for people with diabetes. Advice and prevention are at the heart of our action. We also offer you the Sudoscan test to detect possible complications quickly.


What is Sudoscan?

A person with diabetes may experience complications involving the entire autonomic nervous system. Sudoscan is a test that evaluates the small peripheral nerve fibers found in the sweat glands of the hands and feet.


Did you know: A Sudoscan test takes 2 minutes and is completely painless. It can be done in our pharmacy by appointment. Depending on the result of your test, we invite you to consult your doctor.

Benefits of Sudoscan



No patient preparation

Results in 3 minutes

Easy reading of essential data to help physicians make a diagnosis.



Non-invasive examination

No need to fast

Easy to use

Ginkgo and the Maison du Diabète

The Ginkgo pharmacy collaborates with the Maison du Diabète to provide clear answers to diabetic patients. In addition to the Sudoscan, we have pharmacists trained in diabetes issues.